Insurance Inspections
We offer a wide range of services that help give you and your house peace of mind.
Following Hurricane Andrew, Florida passed a law requiring insurance companies to offer their customers discounts and credits for existing building features and home improvements that reduce damage and loss from wind. In order to qualify for this discount, homes must undergo a certified home wind inspection. However, many Floridians do not know of this law.
Wind Mitigation are a valuable inspection service that may reduce your windstorm insurance. Insurance discounts are available for building features that reduce damage during high wind events. Most existing structures have one or more wind resistive construction features and may qualify for some insurance discounts. An Insurance Mitigation Inspection can help you save money year after year on the wind portion of your insurance premiums. The insurance companies assume your home has NO wind resistant features. Most existing houses have one or more wind resistive construction features and may qualify for some insurance discounts.
In addition, houses built after 1994 in Miami-Dade or Broward Counties and houses built after 2001 in the rest of the state have many wind resistive construction features and will likely qualify for credits.

A “Four Point Inspection” focuses only on four main areas of interest in a home:
- HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning)
- Electrical wiring and panels
- Plumbing connections and fixtures
- Roof
The inspection and report describes the condition and age of these elements.
The 4 Point (or Four Point) Inspection was created after Hurricane Andrew struck Florida in 1992. It is performed on behalf of the insurance companies and, typically, as a requirement for the insurer offering insurance to the new homeowner. The four point insurance inspection benefits both the insurance company and the insurer.
Insurance companies have become increasingly reluctant to issue Homeowner Insurance Policies on older homes (usually 25 years old or more).
Their common concern is that there may be conditions in an older home that could become a liability to them. For instance; a home with a roof nearing the end of its reliable service life may fail while under the policy and the homeowner may seek reimbursement from their insurance company for damages to the home or its contents. Similar concerns extend to the condition of the HVAC, electrical and plumbing systems in an older home. If these elements are in poor condition, in need of being updated or replaced or were improperly installed, they may fail and cause fire or water damage to a home.
Newer homes are assumed (by the insurance companies) to not have these problems as frequently as older homes.

When a home reaches a certain age, many insurance companies are now requiring a four point insurance inspection (roof, electrical, plumbing, air conditioning) If the home is older, check with your insurance company if this inspection is required. These inspections can sometimes be used to obtain an insurance discount.
This certification is for insurance purposes to document by written and photo documentation to verify the age, condition, and life expectancy of an existing roof.